Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Days 2 and 3! Today is day 4! Losing weight and feeling good!

Days 2 and 3 were tough. Eating carrot and ginger soup again on Day 2 was difficult, and the Spicy Coco Vegetarian soup on Day 3 wasn't much better. I felt tired both days, almost like I was coming down with something. I was weak and slept extra both days. According to "The Plan" this is to be expected and is a good sign that your body is restoring itself. But wait- I haven't told you the best news yet!

Day 3 I woke up and lost 4 pounds. Yes, 4 pounds. Most likely water weight from inflammation. My body was probably busy restoring itself and bringing down the inflammation and kicking out toxins, which is why I was tired. Today is Day 4, and I woke up today and lost another 2 pounds. That's six pounds down!!! Wow!

 Day 2 is flax granola again, carrot ginger soup and mixed greens with leftover broccoli, a pear with some almonds, and leftover kale with vegetables with brown rice and pumpkin seeds.

Day 3 is flax granola again, baby romaine with avocado, pumpkin seeds, and spicy vegetarian soup, almonds, and chicken with Italian herbs and orange zest with roasted winter vegetables.

Day 4 (which is today) includes cheese, wine, and dark chocolate. Yeah! flax granola/blueberries, leftover roasted winter vegetables with mixed greens and pumpkin seeds, carrots with homemade hummus and for dinner (which I am going to go make now so I'll let you know how it turns out) chicken with mango cucumber salsa, mixed greens with carrots and avocado, steamed broccoli with orange oil and chili flakes. I am also drinking 132 oz of water a day and adding extra water if I exercise (which I did today) or if I drink wine.

I will say those were some of the 3 hardest days of my life. I was tired, and had cravings for different foods that weren't on the menu, and didn't really enjoy either of the soups that much. Maybe its just me and I'm not that much of a soup maker, but the spicy vegetarian soup wasn't that great either and I had to force myself to eat it. Each day is prepared so that you are eating enough calories, fiber, and proteins (from vegetable and meat sources) and also designed so that you aren't hungry. Even though I didn't enjoy all of the foods, I was by no means starving myself. The plans are also designed to have totally non-reactive foods the first 3 days so that your body can catch up and restore itself. It seems to be working.

I can eat as much cheese as I want now, and am allowed to have chocolate and wine as of day 4. Believe me, I am not starving and making sure to eat until I am full. I have really enjoyed the roasted winter vegetables that were dinner on day 3 and lunch today on day 4. I am learning lots of interesting things such as that pumpkin seeds have 9 grams of protein per ounce which is why they show up on the daily meal plans so much. Also, I learned yesterday from checking out Lyn Genet Recita's facebook that she recommends that you eat meat or fish proteins a certain number of times a week to prevent having reactions to them. For example, she recommends that you eat fish not more than once per week- this is another thing I was eating every single day (much like the spinach). I seem to get on a kick and like a certain food, and then eat a lot of it. I need to include more variety in my diet, and I think that this will help me do that.

I've learned a TON already! Stay tuned as I continue on this wacky journey! Stay healthy and happy my friends!


  1. I'm so very proud for you! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for the support Scott- it really means everything to me. I have had some people think I'm nuts (which I guess I can understand. Others insist I need to just rely on doctors to solve my problems and not understand why I needed to do this for myself. Having people believe in me makes it easier to believe I can do this. Thanks again :)
